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Senin, 24 November 2008

The motor stepper often was used for applications that usually really use small torsion, like for the motivator disc the diskette or CD. Motor stepper was the DC motor that did not have the commutator. Generally the motor stepper only had the coil in stator him whereas in his rotor part was the permanent magnet. With the motor model like this then the motor stepper could be arranged by his position in the certain position and proceeded to the side of that was wanted, a direction of the hour needle or was the reverse. The speed of the motor stepper basically was determined by the speed of giving of the data to his commutator. It was increasingly fast that the data that was given then motor stepper will be increasingly fast also the round. Servo the motor was often used as actuator in mobile the robot or the robot's arms. Servo the motor generally him consist of servo continuous and servo the standard. Servo the motor continuous could proceed of 360 levels. Whereas servo the type motor of the standard could only proceed 180 levels. Servo the general motor was used was Continuous Parallax. However if you want to servo the motor that had a big force and fast, ideally your servo HS-311 (continuous) and servo HS-322HD (the standard). For moved the motor servo to right or to left, depended on the value delay that was given by us.

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