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Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Microproccesor is a computer proccesor on a microchip. A small engine by procesing and controler in the computer, which made a micro chip. The size a pisically don't a big, but the central engine in computer that is microproccesor. and there the central prossesing.
This is the caracteristic of microproccesor :
1. internal data bus size
2. external data bus size
3. memory address size
4. clock speed
5. Special features.
The different of microprossecor and microkontroler, if microproccesor is CPU (Central Procesing Unit) do not memory and I/O support from a computer. a microkontroler such as CPU, Memory, I/Oand support unit. for example Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).
to be continue......

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